My name is Christian, and I’ve been an IT professional for over 20 years, primarily working for cloud service providers. My career started in graphic design and early web UI. This site is for exercising creativity and exploring some of the latest open-source (and non-open-source) self-hosting tools available. The plan is to publish tech tutorials and other topics that interest me—anything I find enjoyable. It’s a way for me to deploy these services, improve my documentation, and stay flexible.
Topics may include:
- Proxmox (My new favorite hypervisor)
- Automation (Ansible, Terraform)
- VMware
- Gaming / Retro Gaming
- Audio (I am a music nut)
- Raspberry Pi
- Maybe some motorcycle stuff
Really, whatever I find cool
This site is self-hosted using Grav, MediaCMS, Proxmox, Ubuntu, Debian, and Cloudflare Tunnels. Honorable mentions are Win11 and VMware workstation that the whole thing is nested in.
Below is just a old racing video I am using to illustrate the embed from MediaCMS (aka personal Youtube)